Friday, July 29, 2016

Adoption Project 2 - The Very Hungry Caterpillar

This round of adoption stories touched me in a way I never though possible.  To be honest, I really wasn't thinking about how the stories would affect me when I started.  I just knew I had a desire to serve families of adoption.  I already know a lot of stories of adoption and even several close to home.  But to get down and deep with people I don't even know and actually feel so intensely for what they were experiencing was way bigger than I anticipated.

This brings me to the second family's story.  They are still awaiting their match; their baby!  When they were choosing, they wanted something gender neutral because they don't know what they're having yet.  So they chose The Very Hungry Caterpillar.  I had been wanting to make this for so long, but with other orders and projects, I had not had a chance. I was thrilled to get to make this one!!  

Check out the rest of the stories.  If you are someone you know are adopting, please email your story to me at

Thursday, July 28, 2016

Adoption Service Project - How I am the One Who is Blessed

When I began this project, I had no idea how it would affect me. I really feel like I am on cloud 9! This has been an incredible experience so far and the idea that it is only going to get bigger and better thrills me to no end.

If you haven't been following this story, you can go back and see the stories and the reveal of the first family that participated.

I have already completed the project for the second family and I will be going live on my FaceBook to reveal the project that I will be sending to them.  I was going to do a blog to show what they chose, but I kind of like the surprise factor.  So we're going with that.

This family is still in their waiting period.  I feel very partial to this story since my cousin is adopting and they also are in this stage.  I know how hard it has been to wait for that perfect match; THEIR baby.  I love their story and feel so privileged to be part of it.

Stay tuned for the big reveal! Know someone who is adopting and want to refer them to me? Email me at

Wednesday, July 27, 2016

What Happens When You're Offered a Choice of ANY Item You Want

As you may already know, I have been working on a service project for families that are adopting or fostering.  Check out my blog on this project.  And be sure to watch the stories that came in after my announcement!

I had a huge surprise with the first family and so I had to get to work.  But I had a minor mishap when ordering the yarn.  They made a mistake that set me back about a week and a half.  They were quick to rectify it...and by rectify, I mean they refunded my money completely and Express shipped it to me!!!!  So here I am in the middle of a service project and I received the yarn for 2 of the families totally FREE!!!

I got to work quickly once the yarn arrived.
 In no time at all, the hat was ready to be transformed into the Sly Fox!

This little fox and I now have a special bond.  He is ready to go.

I will be sending him off today! Visit me on FaceBook to see my Live reveal and see the new Momma's reaction!!  I feel so unbelievably blessed by this project and I cannot wait to see where it takes me.

If you, or someone you know is adopting or has adopted and would like to submit a story, please email me at  I will be taking on new projects soon so please spread the word.